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The Sacred Ingredients To The Spiritual Orgasm

The Sacred Ingredients To The Spiritual Orgasm

The Spiritual Orgasm!

Namaste, I'm Kay Jones. So glad you are here!

I have spent the last 17 years chasing The Orgasm. Sex and pleasure were always on my mind. It was like I knew something more was out there, and my curious mind would figure it out. I was a sexually explorative, carefree, and naive version of myself up until age 27. I grew up allowing my wounded feminine actions and toxic masculine ways of thinking to guide me through life. I found myself in undesirable situations, doing whatever to ensure others' pleasure over mine. I felt empty, unfulfilled, and desperate for love and ultimate happiness. The kind of pleasure that would take away all of my pain and heartache. I had to find out the hard way to experience the joy I knew existed; I had to work through and let go of the pain to uncover the bliss that was me. After reviewing the components of my life, I noticed that my purpose is pleasure!

Through research, life experiences, meditation, psychedelics, and self-awareness, I became enlightened with valuable Goddess insight that has allowed me to evolve beyond my chaotic past. I get Universally rewarded for how quickly I can return to my Divinity when things get foggy. I can choose what version of me shows up to deal with conflict, the healed me or wounded me. The healed me wins most of the time. 

As I’ve come to learn, there is no cap to pleasure! Every time I think I have reached a delicious level of orgasm, I level up to an even better one! Throughout this time, I have been working through an internal block that had me doubting my Magnificence. About a month ago, I returned to the fullness of who I am and felt brand new after feeling blocked, on and off for two years. I re-remembered who I was, and I started to see me how my peers and family see me. It felt like I found the last piece to my individuality puzzle. Then just like that, I started to see the beauty of my life, and the love between my Spiritual Husband and me grew deeper and broader. We both reached a place of peace and deep faith in our Divine power. We had been practicing the knowledge and deep knowings, but it was difficult to always show up in that Holy vibration. Until recently, maybe it was something with the stars or a portal, but all the necessary components to whip together The Spiritual Orgasm finally came to fruition after consistently being in my power for over a week. So when we intimately united, it was euphoric. 

I had reached a place where I remained grounded in love despite the chaos, uncertainty, and fears. I have found peace in my mind, heart, body, and words. I have peace with the past and the future. Now orgasmic energy flows throughout my body effortlessly. 

Here is an in-depth list of ways to live your day-to-day to build up that orgasmic energy so that your intimate sessions can take you to the place your Soul has been craving and your body has been yearning for. 


Spiritual Ingredients:


  • Practices stillness of the mind and focuses on the beauty. 
  • Mastered the ability to think thoughts that feel good. 
  • Feels no shame or guilt in receiving pleasure or engaging in intimacy. 
  • Doesn’t get distracted by overthinking or getting lost in hypotheticals. 
  • Uses the mind to create and imagine. 
  • The mind feels at ease, expansive, and loving. 
  • Doesn’t feel overwhelmed or anxious.
  • Has an awakened mentality and awareness. 
  • Communicates with your Highest Self. 
  • Doesn’t associate your identity with your persona or Ego. 
  • Clear about your intentions and have developed a strong will to act toward your desires. 


  • Understands that the body is an extension of your Soul Self.
  • Cultivated a ritual that involves getting active and self-mastery. 
  • Listens to your body and caters to its needs. 
  • Mindful of the foods and beverages being put in the body. 
  • Takes proper herbs to fuel and heal the body.
  • Loves your body for its uniqueness, beauty, and resilience. 
  • Graciously allows the body to rest so it can naturally dispose of built-up stress. 
  • The body feels peace, love, and appreciation. 
  • A deep knowing that The Universe is inside of you. 
  • Practices self-kindness, self-compassion, self-love, and self-forgiveness. 
  • Knows how to read and move stagnant energy within the body. 
  • Practices stillness with the body.


  • Has peace in your heart. 
  • Loves all earth elements above, below, and beyond. 
  • Embodies unconditional love and shows up in your heart space for others. 
  • Loves yourself and recognizes your Magnificence. 
  • Sees the hurt child in angry adults and offers love and support. 
  • The walls protecting your heart have fallen.
  • With vulnerable strength, you’ve overcome the emptiness of grief and loss. 
  • Holds another person’s heart, showing genuine empathy and compassion. 
  • Flows through life, showing immense gratitude.
  • Experiences joy in every moment of your life, even if it appears “bad.” 
  • Holds no grudge against anyone about anything because you know forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person but holds back your ability to love. 


  • Lives your truth without caring about what anyone thinks. 
  • Confident and proud of the uniqueness of who you are. 
  • Allows yourself to be sensual, sexy, and playful when alone and with your Soulmate. 
  • Allows yourself to experience pleasure, not just sensual pleasure, but the organic pleasures of living life. 
  • Honest about your desires and vocal about your dislikes. 
  • Embraces the people rooting for you, and you remove yourself from those who aren’t. 
  • Allowed your mind and body to come together to surrender to the natural sensations of your Divinity.
  • Knows who you are, likes who you are, shows who you are, and trusts who you are. 


  • Recognizes that you are a spiritual being having an eventful human experience. 
  • Connects with the Divine aspects of Self, often. 
  • Recognizes your power and Magnificence because you see your reflection in Father God and Mother Goddess. 
  • Accepts your expansive ability and unlimited potential because you understand the divine energies of The Universe. 
  • Desires to be of service to humanity and successfully live your purpose. 
  • Has a high vibration. 
  • Understands the power of energy, vibrations, and Spirit.


Sacred Union Soulmate: 

  • Shares the same intimate purpose, a desire to embody love. 
  • Strives to be a better person to deepen the love and connection. 
  • Reads, learns, and respects your body. 
  • Likes who you are and sees you as their best friend. 
  • Takes care of his body and maintains healthy stamina for you. 
  • Knows how to silence and focus the mind. 
  • Provides you with an abundant amount of foreplay and flirting. 
  • Listens to you and understands the depth of who you want to be seen as. 
  • Transitioned his toxic masculine and wounded feminine energies into divine, harmonious powers. 
  • Enthusiastically provides you with reassurance and security. 
  • Has become vulnerable and open about his trauma, pain, and fears and feels safe with you.
  • Values your sacred union and does everything he can to make you happy.
  • Drinks from your garden fountain with gratitude and intention.
  • High levels of respect, belief, and love between the two of you.



  • Experiences pleasure from vaginal wall sensations.
  • Has been detoxed from past lovers.
  • Energetically healed from past trauma or neglect.
  • A grateful adoration of the womb and its Magnificence.
  • A solid connection between the brain and the yoni.
  • pH is balanced, and nectar is sweet.
  • Strong pelvic floor muscles.
  • A clear understanding of desires and what feels the most arousing.


Now you see why the percentage of women not having orgasms is so high. Most women have stressful lives, medical conditions, overwhelming jobs, no support, and no one who showers them with unconditional love. The ingredients necessary are harder to achieve than expected. It has taken me seven years to reach this level of aroused Consciousness, and now I am determined to help other women reach this deserving level of bliss.

If you are ready to do the work to live life more orgasmically as your most Magnificent Self? 

Book a private 1-on-1 consultation 

Invest in your happiness. Click link below.

Orgasmic Consultation


  • Posted by Alexandra Boone on

    What does a solid connection between the brain and the yoni look like?

  • Posted by Latrice Branch on

    How do you cleanse your vv(yoni) from past lovers

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